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Civil engineering 

Safety barriers

The right steel for better safety performances

Former EN standards gave detailed prescriptions of the materials to be used for safety barriers. Now, the new EN 1317 standard sets Performance Levels to be achieved, which gives you the freedom to choose the material.

The choice of the right steel grade may seem simple but can make a huge difference for the performance of your solutions.

The long experience of our researchers and engineers can help you to design more competitive safety barriers using the appropriate high strength steel grade (hot rolled grades such as Amstrong® 420MC, Amstrong® 460MC, and metallic coated grades such as HX420LAD, HX460LAD) and coatings (pre-galvanised steel and Magnelis®), leading to the following advantages:

  • Better safety performances of steel guardrails (higher vehicle mass that the barrier is able to contain, reduction of the working width of the barriers)
  • Reduction of the production costs due to the optimisation of the steel barriers

An outstanding demonstration

Together with one of our clients we tried to optimise the De2 French H1 steel guardrail.

Our study showed that by replacing the S235JR steel by high strength steel:

  • The amount of steel could be reduced from 36 to 26 kg/m
  • A cost saving of 15% was achieved
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