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Transport Safety
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Transport Safety

Cargo securing at ArcelorMittal

In order to comply with mandatory European requirements on cargo securing, ArcelorMittal has put in place several new land transportation procedures. These procedures must be added as appendices to existing and future contracts we have with land transport suppliers.

The procedures aim to avoid transport injuries and / or damages due to cargo having been inappropriately secured before trucks leave our premises.

They are designed to be easily available and usable by those in charge of cargo securing on trucks or checking the cargo securing. This includes ArcelorMittal employees, trucking company employees, external warehouses or transport departments outside ArcelorMittal.

Please ensure that these procedures are well communicated and distributed in your respective entity as they address all the likely situations that may occur during the transportation of ArcelorMittal products.

Links to all existing, up-to-date versions of these procedures are available in English and in many other European languages.

General table of ArcelorMittal transport safety procedures

It is vital to ensure these procedures are fully effective in our plants, as our transport suppliers contribute to safety for everyone and help ArcelorMittal and its land transport suppliers comply with European regulations.